Take Time To Heal Your Soul

Flower On Water

We all need time to reflect and heal. The amount of time you need to heal will be dependent on your current state of mind.

Unplugging and connecting with your soul could be just taking a few hours of alone time to catch your breath, taking a vacation or a retreat to get away from it all. More importantly, you should never ignore when you need a time to heal.

Giving yourself time to reflect and heal can be a powerful way to process life experiences that block you from being your best you. The best part is, only you get to choose how your healing will unfold.

If you choose to go on a retreat, choose processes that work for where your currently are in life. Most retreats are a place for some serious soul searching and reflective work. You may find yourself going deep within yourself to seek out much needed answers. Be prepared to utilize various tools and methods of healing that will assist you on your journey.

Daily meditation, prayer and writing in a journal are a few other healing processes you can utilize. Taking a walk near water or a day hike in the mountains are fabulous ways to reconnect with nature and your soul. You could also treat yourself to a day at your local spa for some pampering.

When you put yourself in healing mode, you have begun your next steps. Pay attention to what the Universe has in store for you, simply open your heart and mind to the amazing insights and understandings of your soul.


imageTynya R. Beverly is a Public Speaker, Spiritual Practitioner, and Ministerial Intern at the Center For Spiritual Awareness located in West Sacramento, California. Tynya is a premier sought after motivational speaker. To book Tynya R. Beverly to speak contact her at eastlakemarketinggroup@gmail.com

Embrace Change


Embrace Change.

If you are among the majority of us, letting go of what is no longer serving you and embracing the things that add value to your world can be rather challenging.

Especially when dealing with difficult life changing events. It is usually quite hard to let go and move on, but once you do so, you will feel free and realize it will prove to be the best decision you ever made.

Changing direction can be a fearful and painful process.

However, you must never allow fear to determine your future. Fear stands for, False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear exists only in our minds. Yes, it can be difficult to follow your heart when you are paralyzed by fear, but don’t allow your fears to deter you.

Use fear as a stepping stone to take you where you intend to go. Hold your head up high and utilize it for all it’s worth. Keep pushing. Some of us wait to make a move when change is involved. We wait for the perfect time before we take the first step.

Let me say this, there is no perfect time to change.

Oftentimes, the only choice you have is to let go and allow faith to take you where you need to go, because where you are is more painful then not changing. You realize that life is too short to wonder what might have been. You simply choose to be happy.

Take a moment and reflect on the fact that you are not the same person you were a year ago. You are in a different space today because you may have chosen to embrace change. Accept that you are always growing and expanding. This is the beauty of life. We get to become better than we were before each and every day.

And as we better ourselves, we become better to the people around us.

If you have not already done this yet, I encourage you to make a list of the changes you need to embrace in your life. Write down whatever or whomever is no longer serving your highest good. Remember, you are the only one who will see this list so be honest.

Write in great detail how you plan to make these changes to better your life. Once you have compiled your list. Work on it everyday and check off each completed change. Don’t worry too much if you have to stay on an item a bit longer than the others.

We all know that change takes at least 30 days to take root before it becomes a habit. The satisfaction is in making a sincere attempt. I wish you the best of luck in embracing change.


imageTynya R. Beverly is a Public Speaker, Spiritual Practitioner, and Ministerial Intern at the Center For Spiritual Awareness located in West Sacramento, California. Tynya is a premier sought after motivational speaker. To book Tynya R. Beverly to speak contact her at trbeverlyspeaker@gmail.com

Letting Go

imageLetting go is a necessary part of life. We have to let go of life experiences that are no longer serving us to free up space for new opportunities. We leave behind the past to make way for the present. Letting go doesn’t mean you don’t care about others, it simply means you know that only you have control over your actions.

As we grow, we begin to understand what we need and what we need to leave behind. We know when it is time to walk away; which could be a step forward. We will never achieve our highest and best if we are attached to things we need to let go of. Sometimes people and things are not meant to stay in your life forever.

People are in our lives for a reason, season or lifetime. We have very few lifetime relationships. So why do we get so bent out of shape when the reason or season is over? We need to learn to stop attempting to make season and reason people into lifetime people. We must learn how to release people in love when their time in our lives has come to an end.

Growing and expanding can be one of the hardest things you may ever have to experience. Yes, it is painful but necessary for growth. The only thing I see as being more painful, is being stuck. Stuck in hurt, stuck in anger, stuck in despair, stuck in resentment. When I compare the two, I will take growth any day.

Don’t get me wrong, we all get caught up, there is nothing wrong with allowing yourself to grieve. Grieving is a healthy part of the process but don’ t get stuck there. Don’t be afraid to let go and embrace change. Change always happens for a reason. Go with it. It is never easy but you are so worth it. Remember, you are the star in your world. You and only you determine how your story begins and ends.



Tynya R. Beverly is a Public Speaker, Spiritual Practitioner, and Ministerial Intern at the Center For Spiritual Awareness located in West Sacramento, California. Tynya is a premier sought after motivational speaker. To book Tynya R. Beverly to speak contact her at trbeverlyspeaker@gmail.com

The Biggest Victim…You (Part II)

Victim Badge

You are Powerful!

 Do you realize how powerful you are? Through the process of mind, you have the ability to change your situation, change your community, and change the world. Why do you think we forget this? As we move along in the human experience, we forget how powerful we are. We have an experience and we are deduced by it and find ourselves in the woe-is-me-thinking. When you think about it all experiences are benign. They are benign until we put our little blessing on it. The blessing or not is our thinking.

 Do you know that people don’t have power over you? Most of us give our power away. One of the ways we give our power away is by being a victim. The only power others have over you is the power you hand over to them on a plate. You serve it right up. Here, take my power because I am a victim. We all have taken it on at some point in our lives; being in the role of the victim. Doesn’t matter how you got there. It matters if you stay there and if it blocks your divine unfolding. By taking part in the victim game means you’ve placed yourself at their mercy of others. You are allowing others to take control of your life…how you feel or not…It’s like a game. The only thing is you are playing the game of being a victim.

 Think of it this way, if you’re not playing the leading role in this game of your life, then you’re probably playing a bit part in the game of someone else’s life. The game is not complicated. It is very simple. You must realize that the game is actually controlled by your own thinking and your own state of being, also it means being a victim of your own thought process. Thus, not only are you a victim of others, but you’re also a victim of your own mind. Stinkin’ Thinkin’!

 Sure you are. Not knowing that your own thoughts dictate and create the essence of your reality means you’re a victim of your own out of control thought process. However, you being unaware of how reality is actually created doesn’t change the fact of how reality is actually created! Now ask yourself: How do I feel about letting others dictate my reality for me? Does anything come up? Do you see someone’s face? With a slight change in the way you think. You can render other people powerless, just simply by changing your thinking, that is all the power you need. It’s not about who you are that holds you back; it’s who you think you’re not. As much as society tries to push their values and ideals onto you, it is ultimately up to you how you live your life.

image Tynya R. Beverly is a Public Speaker, Spiritual Practitioner, and Ministerial Intern at the Center For Spiritual Awareness located in West Sacramento, California. Tynya is a premier sought after motivational speaker. To book Tynya R. Beverly to speak contact her at trbeverlyspeaker@gmail.com

The Biggest Victim…You (Part I)


Some people are addicted to the trauma of the drama; they participate in a daily struggle against their own created turmoil. Some people are perpetual victims. Do you know anyone like this? There seems to always be struggle in the life of a victim. The people around them become unwitting performers in their dramatic scenes. Have you ever been an unwilling participant in someone’s drama or maybe your own?

The victim does not want to let go and move on, because they need to struggle and destroy, to live. That is the nature of being a victim. Blame is the getaway vehicle the victim uses to flee the scenes of their emotional crimes. The pain we carry within ourselves is flung and strewn on everyone we encounter; contaminating every peaceful moment with spots of uneasiness and discord. We are raging against ourselves. We fight outward enemies because we are afraid to confront the enemy within. As victims, we are deeply wounded people. Victimhood is dangerous to your peace of mind, your family, and your life.

When we try to help a person in victimhood, they can behave like a wounded animal that will bite your hand. A victim will suck you into their hellish world if you let them. A victim will keep you there forever, drama after drama, as their emotional support — as their prisoner. It will never end; every molehill made into a mountain of problems — mountains of madness.

When you find yourself hanging off the cliff with someone in victim hood. Be careful. If they pull you over the edge, you may have to cut the rope. Sometimes letting go of someone is the only way to survive.

Definition of a Victim:
A victim is someone who believes, sincerely, that they are at the bottom end of some personal conspiracy. That the forces of the universe conspires against all their endeavors, ironically, it is this belief that results in the endless gathering of evidence, by the victim, to prove this. Thus, it is often difficult for the victim to see the truth through this clouded paradigm of self-deceit and defeat.

Part II to be posted in two weeks!


image Tynya R. Beverly is a Public Speaker, Spiritual Practitioner, and Ministerial Intern at the Center For Spiritual Awareness located in West Sacramento, California. Tynya is a premier sought after motivational speaker. To book Tynya R. Beverly to speak contact her at trbeverlyspeaker@gmail.com

Simply Talking About My Feelings

imageMy emotions have been dissected, filleted, and put on the table for all to see. How scary it is to release the cork of suppression and allow my emotions to be free; all of them. You know the ones: hurt, pain, despair, rejection, resentment, abandonment, shame, guilt, lack, not good enough fucking feelings.

I surrender today so I can live for tomorrow. I have too. Today, right now, I can allow myself to love me and then I can love others. When all of the emotional stuff was there. I wouldn’t or should I say couldn’t feel. When I allowed myself to be in the oneness with God during this process, I broaden my horizons. And experienced zones I never thought of before.

My physical body feels free to express life as me with no limits and that is kinda of freaky to me. There is always a price to pay, something to give up or sacrifice. With God in my life, I can open up to those deep dark feelings. The places where I don’t allow anyone see me. The places that are hurtful to others but most importantly, to me. I can sometimes be more hurtful to me than the sum of all my hurt…way deep, huh?

I had a powerful realization. If I am stuck. I am keeping me exactly where I am; stuck. That’s what my journey helped me realize. When God holds me, my mind melts and becomes one and my inner soul connects with this feeling. I feel my light from within shinning so incredible bright began to radiate outward…making my outer image beautiful. My Spirit invites all to see me as I wake up. Look at the incredible woman I’ve become today.

All of this has allows me to ride the elevator up a few floors. My spiritual self has soared to unmentionable heights. Through this process I found the spiritual truth. A truth that all begins and ends with me. That’s where my control is. By removing blocks, by remaining open, and for being willing. I open my soul up and allow myself to dance freely with the stars. I love where I am today. I just love it and I love the Universe for loving me through it. What a sweet blessing life is. I embrace it and allow gratitude to consume me. How yummy and sweet life is. And so it is.

Lessons From Tu Pac

imageI bet when you read the name Tu Pac, you probably thought I was referring to the original gangster rapper himself. Yes, I know there have been many questions over the years as to whether he is still alive or dead. Well, the Tupac I am talking about is my 15 year old Chihuahua & Wired Hair Terrior mix.

Tu Pac celebrated his birthday on April 4, 2015. My little guy is 15 years old. In dog years he is 105 years old. I acquired Tu Pac when he was just eight weeks old. A guy walked up to me at the Denio’s flea market in Roseville, California and asked me if I wanted a dog. He said he couldn’t keep him and that if he didn’t find a home for him he would have to take him to the pound. When I laid eyes on him, it was love at first sight. He was so tiny and so cute. When I got him home he had a bit of an attitude. I am not sure what the little guy had been through in his short life but he was feisty.

He would run up on me and bite my toe or ankle. When guests came over to my house, he would run up on them as well; letting them know he was now running things. One time he ran up on my friend, Rhonda and tried to bite her. She scream at him, little dog, how are you going to run up on me like a gangster, like Tu Pac. We both started laughing. At that point, I hadn’t named the little guy. His aggressive attitude inspired me to name him Tu Pac.

I am very excited that my little guy is still on the planet. He received a diagnosis of bladder cancer October 2014 and was given 1-2 months to live. Not only is he still here, he is happy, active, and thriving. Something happens to your psyche when you receive news of a terminal diagnosis. After I got over the shock of the news, I begin to pay more attention to him. I begin to appreciate him more than ever. Don’t get me wrong, I have always treated my animals very well. I’ve been known to treat them to special home cooked meal every now and then. However, this was different. My senses had heightened and I began to notice everything about him. I began to take note of the many valued lessons, over the years, this little being has shown me.

imageWhen Tu Pac was first diagnosed, it looked very grim. He had a lot of blood in his urine. And he had to urinate often because his bladder is consumed by this large tumor, which doesn’t give him much room to hold his urine very long. The veterinarian prescribe medication to help reduce inflammation and narcotics for pain. I couldn’t believe the recommended treatments were the same as with humans. She suggested surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. I said no way! If it was his time to go, I wanted him to go on his own terms.

I started him on his meds and he had a reaction. He started throwing up and his bowels were runny. He wasn’t eating. He was laying around and didn’t have much energy. I went to the pet store and bought different types of dog food and healthy specialty snacks. But, he just still didn’t have an appetite.

My partner began giving him daily Reiki treatments. I included him in my daily meditations. He would come into the room and just sit with me while I meditated. I prayed to God what to do and that I needed a sign when it was time to let him go. After about a week of taking the medication I begin to see improvements. He no longer had blood in his urine. He was eating and drinking again. The medication seemed to be working. Within two weeks, he was be back to his old self. My mind was so consumed with the terminal diagnosis. I was always wondering when it was going to happen. Would I one day find him dead or would I have to put him down to end his suffering? I would wake up in the middle of the night to check on him. I would check on him in the morning to make sure he was ok. I started coming home for lunch to check on him. It was very time consuming.

One day I came home from lunch and when he saw me his ears perked up. He ran over to me, he has this way of sitting up on his back paws, it makes him look like a prairie dog, and he was begging. He was begging for attention. He was begging for love. Needless to say, I gave him the biggest hug. It was as if he was trying to let me know that he was ok. He was ok with this diagnosis. I however, was not ok with it. I realized in that very moment, every day is precious and that I was wasting it on worrying about when he was going to die. Instead of being fully present in the moment and enjoying the time he had left.

From that moment on, we have lived every day as if it was his last. I stopped keeping him confined to just inside the house. My boy loves to go outside for walks. Since his illness, he has not been able to walk very far as he gets tired and needs to be picked up. I went on Craig’s list and searched for a baby stroller. I found a pretty nice one for $10. I brought it home. At first he was very suspicious. He didn’t want to ride in it because he wanted to walk. I let him out and he would walk for a while and then he would get tired. When he got tired, I picked him up and put him in the stroller. This went on several times, then one day, out of the blue, he actually wanted to give the stroller a try. It was as if he transformed. I picked him up and put him in the stroller. He stood on the tray, and he looked around the stroller to familiarize himself with his surroundings. When he realized that it was ok and he was safe, he stepped up on that tray and stuck his chest out like he was Wonder Dog. He is so cute. Now, I can walk for miles with him in the stroller and he doesn’t mind it a bit. As a matter of fact, he enjoys his daily ride.

Tu Pac is my special Zen guy. He wants to love everyone. He just wants us all to get along. He wants the outcome of peace in all situations. He is also a Sun Worshiper. He loves sitting in the back yard with his face toward the sun. He is a very easy going dog and I am so blessed to have him. He will give you his last. His last bit of energy, his last bit of attention and he will give you All of his love. He has a way of making you feel like you are the only person on that planet that matters. Not only does he do this with me, he does this consistently with everyone he comes in contact with. He has never met a person he didn’t connect with. Wait, there were two men he did not like. My brother and my friend Rhonda’s boyfriend. I think he didn’t like their energy. It was the Alpha dog kinda thing. When he met them, he began barking at them. Not only did he bark at them constantly, he barked and walked them to the door. He did not stop barking until they left. It was the funniest thing ever.

imageToday, I realized that I have learned so much from my little dog. I have also heard from many who have come in contact with him that they too have learned lessons from him as well. He is amazing! I am not just saying that because he is my dog. I also have another dog, Sa Sha. She is nothing like Tu Pac. She could care less if you are safe or ok. She just wants to be fed, taken on her walks, have a nice bed with covers to cuddle up and sleep in.

Not Tu Pac, I could be up working until the wee hours of the morning. He will stay up with me. He will wait for me. He will go to bed when I go to bed. He will not eat his food until I love him up first. In the meantime, Sa Sha will have already began to eat her food. I love them both but Tu Pac is a special being on this planet and I feel so blessed that he chose me to be on the journey with him. Tu Pac will be with you if are ill, sad, mad or just need a companion. He will check on you and make sure you are ok. He knows how to ask for love when he needs it and knows the importance of giving love back to you. He will lay on your chest and love you up. There is so much more I could say about my little buddy. But, I’ll sum it up best by sharing the lessons I’ve learned from my little gangster:

Show unconditional love daily.
Every day and everyone is special…so treat them that way.
Never be too tired to be with a friend and offer support.
Every day is precious so live it to the fullest.
When there is illness in my body, I can spiritually transcend beyond my physical conditions.
How to be a consistent-dependable-loyal-show-up-kind-of-person.
How to ask for love when I need it.
Recognize when to be still and allow healing to take place.
I don’t have to be strong all the time.
Allow others to help me when I need it
How to listen to my body and know how to take care of myself.
Chivalry is alive and well.
How to be strong in times of adversity.
How to be an Alpha dog.
Show up and be consistent no matter what.
Make love not war. Can we all just get along.
The definition of a true “Ride or Die.”

I ran across this quote from Shayne Martin about “Ride or Die.”

Been lookin’ for that ride or die for years, the one who I share a smile with and even shed tears, the one that makes my day and got me feeling so proud, and not leavin’ me stranded below this dark cloud, understand how I feel, love will never depart, don’t steal nothin’ from me except my heart, let me be who I am, let me be who I be, let’s not be shackled in depression, let’s set our love free. ~Shayne Martin

Season For Nonviolence – Part Three

Mother Teresa –

Quote: If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

Begin her work with lepers for which her order becomes well known around the world.

Awarded Nobel Peace Prize 1979 for her work with destitute and dying.

Thick Nhat Hanh –

Quote: If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.

Ordained as a Monk.

1965 Searching for the Enemy of Man” a letter to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. urging him to publicly oppose the war in Vietnam.

He was nominated for the 1967 Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King, Jr.

There are So Many Songs About Peace:

Bob Marley, told us…One Love…one heart…let’s get together and it will be alright.
John Mayer, Waiting on the world to change…hard to offer assistance when you standing at a distance…we keep on waiting on the world to change.
Curtis Mayfield, and the Impressions told us…People get ready there a train a coming…don’t need no ticket just get on board.
Cat Stevens – Peace Train…dreaming about the world as one…I know it’s goanna come…ride on the peace train…everyone jump on the peace train.
Marvin Gaye – What’s going on?, war is not the answer there’s far too many of you dying,” For only love can conquer hate.
O’Jays…Love Train… People all over the world…Join hands…Start a love train.
George Harris from the Beatles- Give me love…give me love…give me peace on earth.

What does Peace Stand for me?

P is for Partnering with each other to create peace
E is for Equipping people with information about peace
A is for Assisting with the Global Mission for Peace
C is for Caring about the importance of peace
E is for Educating the next generation on the benefits of peace

Bottom Line – Peace is a state of being. It is what I feel like when I am in “it”. Peaceful.

Season For Nonviolence – Part Two


Webster’s Definition of Peace

Freedom from war internal or external
Tranquility a calm state, free of disturbance or noise
A state of mental calm and serenity, with no anxiety
Harmony freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups.

We reference the word peace is so many ways:

The Nobel Peace prize…Go in peace…Be at peace…I am peace…Peace be still…See Peace…Peace of Mind…Peacetime…Keep the peace…I leave you in peace…Make peace…Stand up for peace…Peaceful existence…Rest in Peace. And various personal greetings. There are many peace greetings in different languages such as Shalom…Salaam…Hotep (Kemetic) & Paz (Spanish),

The Are Numerous Peace Warriors:

Martin Luther King, Jr. –

Quote: Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.

Marching through Selma Alabama or conducting a sit in at a lunch counter.

Or when he Marched in Selma Alabama or Washington DC Martin didn’t allow people’s reactions to change the journey…the focus was always peace.

Given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

Mahatma Ghandi –

Quote: Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.

Gandhi begins a “fast unto death” to protest the British government’s treatment of India’s lowest caste “untouchables …the focus was still peace.

South Africa where he organized a campaign of “passive resistance.”

He is still the strongest symbol of non-violence in the 20th century.

Gandhi was nominated in 1937, 1938, 1939, 1947 and, finally, a few days before he was murdered in January 1948.

Cesar Chavez –

Quote: “I am convinced that the truest act of courage…is to sacrifice ourselves for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice.”

Chávez embraced the ideals of Mohandas Gandhi, he never saw violence as the solution to any problem.

We will always remember the rallying cry of the United Farm worker, the UFW, “Si se pueda!” (“Yes We Can!”)

The Season For Nonviolence – Part One

imageThis is the 18th annual King, Gandhi, Chavez season for nonviolence. The season begins January 30  and ends April 4. The dates marks the deaths of Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King, Jr. January 30, 1948 is the date Gandhi died, April 4, 1963 is the day Martin Luther King, Jr. and Cesar Chavez passed on April 23, 1993.

We have an opportunity for 64-days to focus on demonstrating nonviolence. We also have an opportunity to honor the peace visions of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Cesar Chavez.

We know that nonviolence is a powerful way to heal and transform our lives, our communities and the world. During this season I had an opportunity to reflect on the nonviolence and what it means to me. The word peace kept coming up. The essence of peace is so multi-faceted… multi-dimensional… multi directional… multi-cultural.

Peace can’t be fenced in…boxed or locked in…peace is there when you need it. Regardless of what’s going on around you…regardless of what you see…peace is as close as our breath…because peace is a personal choice.

Peace hangs out on a higher vibration…The vibration of peace is high…you can feel it when you say it…
P E A C E…P e a c e…can you feel the vibration?